Collaborate to innovate, and make the world better!
Te?ted collaborates with the best companies, labs, and clinics around the world to innovate and support patients globally. We believe that collaborating with great partners and working together following the highest standards is the only way to build knowledge and find effective solutions.
Lab life @Tezted

@Tezted We love what we do!

Halloween in Canada
Sanoviv Medical Institute @Tezted's labs
August 2022

Leivonmäki national park

Work hard, play hard!

Mushroom picking

Indian Business and Professionals Forum Summer Reception (IBPF) 2022

Dr Leona Gilbert with the Minister for Development, Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari

International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-borne diseases (ICLB) 2022